

Example code block:

echo 'Hello, world!'

Remember to use h2 elements at the top of your page, as h1 is already taken care of as a header.


## About

Content here.

Jekyll vs no Jekyll

No Jekyll

If you want to upload plain HTML instead of .md files, create an empty .nojekyll file in your repo.


If you want to upload markdown and have it rendered to HTML with Github’s base styling, leave the .nojekyll file out so that Jekyll is used. Note that you don’t need any config, Gemfile, theme etc. Just an page and optionally more linked pages will work.

Jekyll will turn into index.html. Any Liquid code for Jekyll can cause build errors, so since you’re using Jekyll to parse you files you should use the raw tag to prevent the Liquid from being evaluated and rather render as plain text (typically in a codeblock).


The homepage needs be available as / i.e. /index.html when the site is rendered.

Therefore your homepage should be named

Or, name it and use the following Jekyll frontmatter:

permalink: /
# **Documentation**

Internall links to pages can be one of these.

[Alt text](

Which points to /foo.html.

Or this.

[Alt text](foo)

Which points to /foo.

Remember to omit the leading slash in your path, otherwise you’ll break links on a subpath project site on GH Pages.

If there are broken internal links, the build will fail, which is useful.